Wednesday, October 6, 2010

My Favorite Juice!

Deliciously Sweet Immunity Booster


In a juicer, juice 2 carrots, 3 peeled oranges (leave white part on) and a piece of fresh ginger root (roughly a square inch size).

Monday, May 3, 2010

Refreshing Purple Juice


In a juicer, juice a slice of red cabbage (about a 1" slice if cutting from the center of the head),

2 green apples and half a cucumber with skin.

Monday, March 22, 2010

Welcome to My Blog!

I love creating new and healthy recipes (especially juices & smoothies). I have found that I really enjoy sharing my creations with others and believe that I have inspired some to consider healthier food options for themselves. So, I've decided to start this blog in hopes of reaching and inspiring more people. I know I feel wonderful when I eat well and would love for more people to feel wonderful as well. So, welcome to my blog! I hope you find it deliciously inspirational.

Here are some of my recent creations. Enjoy!

Spring Breeze


In a juicer, juice 1 cucumber (with skin), 2 green apples, and a handful of cilantro.
This is a super refreshing drink!

Nutty Purple Smoothie


In a blender, blend 1 cup of fresh or frozen blueberries, 1 banana, 2 Tbs. of peanut butter, and 1 cup of milk. Milk may be substituted with soy, coconut or hemp milk. This is a very kid friendly breakfast drink. Super yummy!

St. Patty's Day Juice


In a juicer, juice 1 large leaf of Kale, 2 green apples and 1 stalk of celery

Grapefruit Veggie Juice


In a juicer, juice 1 peeled grapefruit, 2 stalks of celery and 2 carrots.

Spring Blessings Smoothie


In a blender, blend on high speed a bunch of dandelion greens, 5-6 strawberries, 1 banana, 2 tbs. hemp seeds, and 1 cup of coconut milk. Strawberries may be blended separately and added on top of green mixture...swirl for a visual treat. Other types of milk may be substituted for the coconut milk, such as cow milk, soy, almond, hemp, etc.

If you decide to try out any one of these recipes, be sure to leave me a comment.

I would love to hear from you!



About Me

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I love to create healthy treats and inspire people to do the same.